Mobile Elf Service

Would you like your child to receive a special visit from the Christmas elf this December?

Your wish is his command!

What's more - he will come bearing gifts for you little one.

During the 10-15 minute visit, the Christmas elf will perform some magic, sing a special song aided by his trusted ukulele, be very silly (children tend to like silliness), and then your child will help him perform some magic to make a card appear.

Your child will then keep the card AND magic wand they helped perform the trick with.

This popular gift giving service is only available for a short period though:

Weekdays from Wednesday 29th November - Sunday 24th December (the week leading up to Christmas gets particularly busy!). It is currently available in a radius covering from Chichester, up through Horsham, and down to the Brighton areas.

Please note this is not a show, but a visit for your child from the elf - the cost includes the gifts. If you are interested in a Christmas show please visit: Themed Shows page.

Copyright Toppermost Entertainment 2017